Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Time to get a life....

So today we cancelled our satellite tv....I know!!! What are we thinking, right? Trust me, I'm asking myself that question right now! Dave and I were talking the other day about how we spend WAAAAAY too much time in front of the boob tube. So we thought it would be "fun" to see how long we can go without our beloved tv shows. (Ok, I really didn't think it would happen when I agreed to it...until Dave called me at work this morning and said he had done it!!!) WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO?? Sniff...sniff...sniff. Okay, seriously, I am kind of interested to see how different things are going to be now. I mean, it's not like we spend all our time watching tv-but quite a bit. How much time do you guys spend zoning out to your fav shows? We all probably spend a little too much time. Now, I'm not suggesting that you should follow our example and cancel your sattelite tv too (you'd be super cool if you did though, j/k :) I'll keep you all updated on how this little experiment plays out...I"m looking forward to spending more "quality" time together with Dave...and who knows, maybe we'll pick up a new hobby or something :) How long do you think we'll last!?!?!
P.S. We'll be saving an extra $75/mo!


Jessie said...

Ashlie!! I found your blog.. how are you doing?? I would like to catch up...Congradulations on the baby!!! I can kind of relate on the TV thing. I just moved and didn't have one for about six weeks.. I did read a lot more.. etc, however.. i realized after a long day at work.. i needed to relax and just sit and watch and not think! Good luck with it!!!

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

Good luck with this! It was GreAt seeing you guys this week, even if it was only for a minute! :) Let us know what your having..can't wait! Auntie T.

Rich, Ali, Belle and Emmy said...

Good job on taking a stand against the TV. If you ever feel the urge you can come sneak in a few programs in at our house. Also, congratulations on your pregnancy, we are so happy for the both of you. We will have to get together and catch up.

Lyndsey said...

What's up? I feel like I haven't talked to you for a month.. oh wait, it has been about a month! How's everything? I don't think I could give up TV, but that probably means that I should. Oh well.. so with Dave's new job you'll get to stay here right?!